Klingspor a46tz 230mm x 22 x 1.9mm Thin Cutting Disc Depressed Center

Klingspor a46tz 230mm x 22 x 1.9mm Thin Cutting Disc Depressed Center (Bulk Deals)

SKU: 60518.0023/25
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Klingspor a46tz 230mm x 22 x 1.9mm Thin Cutting Disc Depressed Center (265044)

A 960 TZ Special – thin cutting-off wheel for stainless steel

The A 960 TZ Special, which Klingspor sells in the protective Kronenflex Box, is a thin cutting-off wheel for work on

  • stainless steel,
  • steel,
  • cast material and
  • mineral-based material.

This wheel manages to convince with ultra long service life and exceptional hardness. One of the key benefits of this product is its burr-free cut, a feature that is intended to please professional users in particular. These qualities make the A 960 TZ Special the perfect choice for distinctly challenging jobs. Since this cutting-off wheel is hard and free of iron, sulphur and chlorine, the cut surface on the workpiece cannot be contaminated by these substances.

A thin and clean cut under any conditions

The key benefit of the A 960 TZ Special lies in its thin cut, keeping the processed surface small and contributing to the lowest possible thermal load. The reduced heat generation cuts down the risk of heat tinting. The prevention of heat tinting is one of the greatest challenges to overcome when it comes to cutting non-corrosive steel. At the same time, the wheel is exceptionally stable and reliable during use despite its small thickness. Klingspor ensures the necessary stability by using a special glass fibre cloth. Offering consistent properties, the synthetic grain turns this product into a high-quality solution that is ideal for a multitude of different applications.

Exceptional ease of use and fast cutting

The A 960 TZ Special allows the user to perform safe and clean cuts on metal. The product is furthermore distinguished by its excellent ease of use. Reduced vibrations contribute to cuts of greater precision as they let the user guide the tool with less effort. Klingspor was able to extend the service life of this product significantly by devising an optimised bonding system. This system allows the user to cut with greater speed and reduces the frequency of tool changes.

The benefits at a glance

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