Fischer Duo Blade Plasterboard Wall Plug Box 50 (545675)

Fischer Duo Blade Plasterboard Wall Plug Box 50 (545675)

SKU: 545675
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Fischer Duo Blade Wall Plug M10 x 50 Box 50 (545675)

  • The fischer DuoBlade is the youngest member of the innovative DuoLine. It consists out of different components, which enable the best possible performance. The self-drilling tip allows a clean and effective drilling procedure. The fixing is screwed in the pre-positioned installation with the (cordless) screwdriver setting tool flush to the surface of the gypsum plasterboard. The fischer DuoBlade is adapted for wood, metal and chipboard screws from 4 to 5 mm thickness as well as different hooks and eye screws. Consequently, it is universally suitable for fixing e.g. smoke detectors, curtain rods and shutters securely and quickly. The DuoBlade is placed in the plasterboard with a conventional PZ 2 drive. No special setting device is required.
    • An innovative product of the fischer DuoLine with intelligent combinations for more power and more intelligence.
    • The self-drilling fischer DuoBlade allows fast and easy installation in gypsum plasterboard and gypsum fibreboard.
    • The black metal tip guarantees simple and safe installation.
    • High torque when anchor is installed for the feelgood-factor and an optimum feeling when setting.
    • PZ 2 drive - same drive for plug and screw.
    Top Features
    • Self-drilling plasterboard plug for fast and easy installation
    • High torque when anchor is installed for the feelgood-factor and an optimum feeling when setting
    • Anti rotation lock prevents from spinning in the drill hole
    • Use of commercially available hooks, screws and eyelets
    • PZ2 drive - same drive for plug and screw



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