The fischer bolt anchor FAZ II Plus is the steel anchor for the highest demands with high tensile strengths and a wide range of applications. Heavy loads can be secured in cracked concrete using the steel anchor. The FAZ II Plus is easier and faster to set due to the elimination of drill hole cleaning (M8-M24). The tried-and-tested expansion clip safely introduces the loads into the concrete and enables an immediately loadable, high load-bearing capacity even with dynamic applications. For example, the steel anchor is ideal for the anchoring of railings, cable trays, consoles and for dynamic loads such as lifting platforms, conveyor belts and pumps.
Quick and easier assembly without the need for drill hole cleaning (M8-M24).
Numerous approval certificates for different substrate materials (concrete C12/15-C80/90, steel fiber concrete, solid sand-lime brick) increase the number of applications and fields of use.
With the new assessment (ETA), the tensile strengths increase decisively. As a result, fewer fixing points and anchors are required.
The new ETA confirms the use of the FAZ II Plus for dynamic loads for diameters M16-M24.
The fast installation process of the FAZ II Plus provides an efficient fixing solution for dynamic applications with low load cycles (M16-24) with an immediately loadable fixing point.
The ETA evaluation, together with other test reports (RWS, ZTV, ETK), ensures high loads in case of fire.
An external independent assessment confirms the service life of anchorages up to 120 years. Thus, the FAZ II Plus outlasts a whole century and is perfectly suited for large, long-lasting construction projects (M10-M16).
The FAZ II Plus allows the absorption of high seismic loads of performance category C1 and C2 for diameters M10-M24 with and without the use of the filling disc FFD at installation.
The variable anchorage depths allow a millimetre-accurate adjustment to the loads.
The first bolt anchor M6 with ETA evaluation option 1 ensures a safe and approved anchorage.
Steel constructions
Guard rails
Lifting platforms
Conveyor belts
Cable trays
Timber constructions
Approved for:
Concrete C20/25 to C50/60, cracked and non-cracked
You can find detailed information on building materials in the registration document.
Custom Tab 01
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