Esab Rogue ES150i Inverter 150amp arc MMA welder 230v

Esab Rogue ES150i Inverter 150amp arc MMA welder 230v

SKU: 0700500076
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Esab Rogue ES150i ce Inverter 150amp arc MMA welder 230v

The Rogue is a robust and durable power source for the professional welder. The machine provides state-of-the-art welding performance and reliability through use of the latest high performance power electronics and Digital control; ensuring a precise consistent arc.

Delivery includes: ESAB Rogue 150i power source with 3m mains cable and plug, shoulder strap, electrode holder, 3m return cable and clamp.

Rogue’s next-level technology gives you precise, professional, and consistent control for smooth, stable arc performance and low spatter levels across all types of MMA electrodes and weld positions. Adjustable hot start makes firing up your arc a breeze with even the most difficult electrodes. The adjustable arc force helps you increase penetration and prevent electrodes from sticking. Never before has an entry-level welder been packed with such high-quality performance.

Throw away your preconceptions about welders in this class – Rogue’s power stacks up against machines twice its price. which makes it ideal for both main and generator power. With up to 25% duty cycle at 150 A, Rogue has the strength to crush jobs on thicker materials.

No other machine at this price point comes close to matching Rogue’s strength. Its robust and rigid fiberglass-molded housing is built to withstand impact after impact, in the shop or in the field. Rogue is durable and weather resistant, with an IP23S rating for use in tough outdoor applications. Like every ESAB machine, Rogue comes with our industry-leading three-year warranty for unbeatable peace of mind. Goodbye, cheaply constructed welders.

The Rogue provides a smooth DC (Direct Current) welding power which allows you to weld a variety of metals, such as alloyed and non alloyed steel, stainless steel, and cast iron. The Arc Force and Hot Start settings are adjustable and help the user find exactly the right arc for the job. Being digital the Micro-processor precisely controls all functions and provides Best-in Class welding performance across the amperage range of the machine. The Rogue can be used with electrodes up to 3.2mm Ø.

The Rogue can easily perform TIG -welding using a “Lift TIG” start. Equip the power source with the optional TIG-Torch, which has a built-in gas valve and a regulator, and a bottle of gas and you are ready to weld mild steel or stainless steel, with or without filler material.

ES 150i 25 % 150 A 26.8 V MMA
ES 150i 60 % 97 A 23.9 V MMA
ES 150i 100 % 75 A 23.0 V MMA
ES 150i 25 % 150 A 17.2 V TIG
ES 150i 60 % 97 A 14.6 V TIG
ES 150i 100 % 75 A 13.6 V TIG

Custom Tab 01

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