Esab Renegade ET210iP DC Pulse Tig Welder 110/240v

Esab Renegade ET210iP DC Pulse Tig Welder 110/240v

SKU: 0447700911
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Esab Renegade ET210iP Tig Welder

0447700911 - Renegade ET 210iP DC Pulse 110/240v with SR-B 26 4m Torch

Renegade ET is a professional single phase, high frequency start TIG and MMA welding machine with the most resistant IP23 housing designed to be used in demanding environments.

Equipped with a high quality carry strap with multiple lift points, Renegade is ready to move with you when portability is required.

Renegade ET have a build in active PFC circuit that allow to work perfectly even on a poor-quality power supply and on very long extension cables (up to 100 m).

Superior weld quality is a priority in this range, additionally supported by direct access to wide parameters selection on simple and intuitive user interface makes machine very easy to work with. 

Highest durability housing with IP23 for indoor and outdoor use.

TIG Pulse up to 999 Hz to increase control of heat input and weld pool. PFC for stable arc even with extra long mains cable, up to 100 m .

Easy to read and quick to set panel increasing the accuracy and reduces the down time.

Dual-current mode trigger functionality to switch between two output current levels which controls the heat input and size of the weld pool.

ESAB SR-B TIG torch included.


Ship and Offshore Yards

Civil Construction

Pipe Construction

Repair and Maintenance

Heavy Fabrication

Industrial and General Fabrication


Steel Erectors



Custom Tab 01

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