Esab a40 Savage Welding Helmet Black Head Shield

Esab a40 Savage Welding Helmet Black

SKU: 0700000490
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Esab a40 Savage Welding Helmet Black 0700000490 Headshield

The Esab SAVAGE A40 helmet has been designed to meet the needs of a variety of welders, providing a high tech lightweight shell to protect from heat, sparks and spatter. Utilising the latest ADF technology, the welding lens gives a high clarity of view with True Color, resulting in an excellent optical quality. The SAVAGE A40 helmet provides ideal functionality, performance and comfort to the occasional welder, maintenance and construction workers through to the professional welder.

External shade adjustment between DIN 9 and DIN 13 and an optical class of 1/1/1/2. Delay and sensitivity can be adjusted from the inside
Four arc sensors for higher auto darkening response
Wider coverage and a larger viewing area of 100 x 50 mm (3.93 x 1.96 in.) that offers a wide field of vision and increased spatial awareness
Sensitivity control is an adaptable feature useful when welding low amp TIG for better reaction to darker arc light
Delay control enabling the welder to set how long the lens stays dark after the welding arc stops. Short delay helps get the job done faster during tack welding, whilst longer delay is useful for high amperage welding
Externally activated Grind Button. Shade 4 Grind Mode
True Color allowing for a brighter view and enhanced colour definition

Oxy-Fuel Cutting
Plasma Cutting
PAW - Plasma Arc Welding
SMAW/MMA (Stick)

Custom Tab 01

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