Esab 2.5MM Goldrox Premium welding Electrode 1kg 55PC E6013

Esab 2.5MM Goldrox Premium welding Electrode 1kg 55PC E6013

SKU: 46592535Z0
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Once again, ESAB Welding & Cutting Products reinvents welding with a new rutile electrode with proven great welding performance and smart packaging design fit for purpose.

OK GoldRox provides a stable arc that leaves almost no spatter and easy slag removal with minimal effort for faster clean-up. Using an electrode with good arc stability, coupled with decent puddle flow, helps in situations with poor fit up. OK GoldRox yields a flat bead profile with fine ripples and good appearance.

Broad Applications

OK GoldRox works with AC or DC current (straight or reverse polarity), welds in all positions and creates a softer arc that works well for light to medium penetration welding. It produces particularly satisfying results for overhead welding of fillet welds, as well as lap joints and sealing runs.

The superior performance of OK GoldRox offers professional appeal. Typical applications include sheet metal, general fabrication on mild and medium steels, auto and truck bodies, root pass pipe applications, farm and construction equipment, repair and maintenance.

OK GoldRox comes with the following approvals: ABS, BV, LR, DNV-GL, DB, VdTUV, and it will also be CE marked and UKCE marked for the UK.

OK GoldRox is available in  2.5, 3.2  diameters. ESAB offers OK GoldRox in 2.5 kg packages (1/2 the size of standard packages available in the market) and also in an even more convenient 1 kg package for smaller jobs, and less waste.  

ESAB Welding & Cutting Products is a recognised leader in the welding and cutting industry. From time-honoured processes in welding and cutting to revolutionary technologies in welding and cutting automation, ESAB's filler metals, equipment, and accessories bring solutions to customers around the globe.

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