Eclipse 2760c Heavy Duty Lever Arm Rivet Gun

Eclipse 2760c Heavy Duty Lever Arm Rivet Gun

SKU: 2760c
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Eclipse 2760c Heavy Duty Lever Arm Rivet Gun

Approximately half the weight and size of a typical long arm riveter Requires less effort and is easier to use than traditional gun type riveters Requires fewer pulls to successfully pop rivets.

  • Strong 3-piece alloy steel jaw mechanism with hexagonal internal structure for a longer life and easy operating e Fea
  • Reinforced 2mm thick Carbon Steel heat-treated handle for extra strength and durability
  • Ergonomically designed handles for comfortable use
  • Features a convenient rivet stem collector for protection and safety
  • Contains rivet noses for use with 2.4mm, 3.2mm, 4.0mm, 4.8mm and 6.4mm aluminum and steel rivets
  • Noses are colour coded by size for easy identification and may be conveniently changed with no need for extra tools
  • To operate, pre-drill holes into the items being joined together, the optimum drill size is 0.1mm bigger than the size of the rivet
  • Spare replacement jaws and noses are available

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