Deb Swarfega Orange Heavy Duty Hand Cleaner 4 Litre

Deb Swarfega Orange Heavy Duty Hand Cleaner 4 Litre

SKU: 71110.0112
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Deb Swarfega Orange Heavy Duty Hand Cleaner 4 Litre

Advanced formulation, heavy duty hand cleanser containing biodegradable natural cornmeal scrubbers for a deep-down cleaning action and moisturiser to help care for the skin.

Removes difficult ,ingrained soilings such as oil, grease, inks and resins.

Contains micro-polymer granules which give a deep down clean and gently lift ingrained soiling without damaging the skin.

With its solvent free formula it helps prevent drying out of the skin, the rich creamy lotion quickly rinses off the skin leaving no greasy after feel.

Contains glycerine and wheat germ extracts to help moisturize the hands whilst the mild orange perfume leaves the skin fresh with a  light fragrance after use.

Dermatologically tested with the 48 hour single patch test results have been validated by a dermatologist to show the product to be ‘non-irritant’.

Available in  4 litre with a self pump dispenser (included)

Custom Tab 01

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