Klingspor FS966 115mm x 22 x 36 Grit Ceramic Fibre Disc (BEST QUALITY)

Klingspor FS966 115mm x 22 x 36 Grit Ceramic Fibre Disc (BEST QUALITY)

SKU: 316490
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  • 1 : Ribbed Backing Pad 115mm 126346


Klingspor FS966 115mm x 22 x 36 Grit Ceramic Fibre Disc (BEST QUALITY)

Klingspor FS 966 ACT – highly aggressive fibre disc for processing stainless steel

The fibre disc FS 966 ACT by Klingspor can handle even the most challenging jobs. Designed for grinding stainless steel, it stands out primarily with its

  • high abrasive performance,
  • long service life
  • and self-sharpening effect thanks to its microcrystalline

structure. It also comes with a multibond that prevents the formation of annealing colours. These fibre discs are available in a multitude of sizes and grits.

Aggressive and long-lasting: self-sharpening ceramic aluminium oxide

The fibre disc FS 966 ACT produces immaculate results over a long period of time as it retains its aggressive abrasive performance throughout its entire service life. Exceptional stock removal is guaranteed by ceramic aluminium oxide, a sharp-edge and pointed abrasive grain this is hard and exceedingly tough. Better still, ceramic aluminium oxide is self-sharpening thanks to its microcrystalline structure. After turning blunt, the topmost point of a grain will break off, making room for a new sharp-edged point. This self-sharpening effect is responsible for the extended service life this fibre disc is sure to deliver. Closely coated, the abrasive grain of the fibre disc FS 966 ACT covers nearly the entire surface of the disc. This close coating gives another boost to service life and ensures that the disc will produce flawless results every time when grinding stainless steel. Another notable property of this disc is the exceptional grit adhesion that is provided by the top coat made of synthetic resin. Unlike natural bonding agents, this coat delivers enhanced grit adhesion and also distinguishes itself with its superior strength.

No annealing colours thanks to multibond

Its green multibond ensures that the fibre disc FS 966 ACT will always deliver cool grinding performance. This type of bonding is achieved by furnishing the abrasive with an additional coating. This coating lowers the temperature at the grain points and prevents chips from sticking to the abrasive grain. This prevents the formation of heat-induced discolouration when the disc is used for grinding stainless steel. Finally, the coating also boosts service life, leading to a reduced consumption of abrasives.

    For use with the fibre discs FS966

    Available for the fibre discs CS 570 are matching backing pads, ST 358 A ribbed hard and ST 358 smooth medium. The backing pad must be selected according to the intended application. The medium backing pad is suited for applications requiring a uniform finish as it conforms perfectly to the contours of the workpiece. Its properties make this backing pad ideal for finer grinding work, surface grinding or grinding contours. The hard backing pad is used for rough grinding at high removal rates. It performs especially well when used for deburring and aggressive grinding

    The benefits at a glance

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