Coast FL13R Rechargeable LED Head Torch

Coast FL13R Rechargeable LED Head Torch

SKU: 40152.0432
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Coast FL13R Rechargeable LED Head Torch

Compact & lightweight Rechargeable LED Head-Torch at only 65 grams (including batteries) and fully rechargeable with USB charger lead provided, the FL13R produces a super-bright light output of 270 lumens with an additional lower-light option of 85 lumens when less light is required such as for reading or wearing in crowded areas such as campsites etc.

For complete versatility, the device features a range of modes. Cycle between, High, Energy Saving, Red and Flashing Red, effortlessly at the touch of the button.

The Dual-Color White & Red Beam combines an all-white Utility Beam for general use with a red, anti-glare beam that prevents “night blinding” while also offering a tool for emergency signalling Featuring a comfortable single head-band favoured by most outdoor enthusiasts along with an adjustable pivot for desired beam angle, be it Up, down, or straight ahead, all COAST headlamps feature a hinged, tilting head so that you can adjust the light’s direction and see right where you’re looking. Rugged enough for the outside of the hardhat.

COAST headlamps with Hardhat Compatible design include clips for attaching the light to the hat. Battery Run-Times range from 5 hours when used on the highest light output up to 10 hours when used on lower white mode, or on either red or red-flashing modes.

Custom Tab 01

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