Barrettine Methylated Spirits 5 Litre

Barrettine Methylated Spirits 5 Litre

K Supplies Decco
SKU: 61310.0086
In Stock


Barrettine Methylated Spirits 5 Litre


It burns, so it can be used in small stoves and lamps. Some camping equipment is designed to burn meths.

It cleans most kinds of ink off non-porous surfaces. For example, it can remove ‘permanent’ marker from metal and plastics. On wooden surfaces you should take care, because it can also remove some ‘finish’ (surface treatments, like varnish or wax).

It’s also useful in household cleaning. Home recipies for glass cleaner usually include some meths.

For cleaning glass:

  • Mix half methylated spirits and half water to make your own window and glass cleaner.

To remove oil based stains:

  • Dab clothes with methylated spirits and then place in a cold wash.
  • Also works for lip stick, pen marks and grass stains on clothes.
  • If accidentally used permanent marker on your white board, you can easily remove it with methylated spirits on a cloth.
  • Remove sticker marks from mirrors and glass by rubbing it with some methylated spirit on cloth.

Store locked up and keep out of reach of children.


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  • Can be used to thin French polish and to clean brushes after knotting
  • Barrettine methylated spirits can also be utilised as a fuel in certain lamps

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