BAHCO SL25 Socket Set 1/4" drive 25pc

BAHCO SL25 Socket Set 1/4" drive 25pc

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The Bahco SL25 is a handy 1/4 inch drive socket set complete with 12 sockets
made from hardened chrome vanadium, a bit set with a dynamic drive profile
and a quick release ratchet.

Ideal for the home, garage or car this Bahco SL25 socket set will give years of
service as it is made from a hard wearing steel material. The set has all the most
common sized sockets, so the set is well equipped to tackle any job in or around
the home. It is especially suitable for the motor trade.

This Bahco SL25 has also a compact sturdy soft-grip handle with a thumb slide
direction lever, a 1/4 inch 100mm extension bar for hard to reach places, 6 piece
Torx bit set for security type bolts, 2 PH standard screwdriver bits and 2 Hex drive

The Bahco SL25 is supplied in a sturdy high density polythene carry case with
sponged lining that is labelled with the corresponding items for quick and easy


  • Socket set 1/4" drive , Dynamic-Drive-Profile™
  • DIN 3120 /ISO 1174.
  • 12 pcs 1/4" 6-pt Sockets Dynamic-Drive-Profile™ - 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 mm
  • 1 pcs Ratchet 1/4" compact length only 125 mm with two components handle , and quick release button



  • Dimensions: 35x165x85mm
  • Weight: 235g
  • Finish: Matt Chrome-plated.
  • Material: Chrome Vanadium. Case: High Density Polythene (HDPE)
  • Contents: 25 pieces

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