O clips Gas Hose Clamps (10 Pack)

O clips Gas Hose Clamps (10 Pack)

In Stock
  • 8-11mm
  • 11-13mm
  • 13-15mm
  • 15-17mm
  • 17-20mm


O clips Gas Hose Clamps


Crimping an O-clip is the best method for ensuring your water fed hoses are securely connected to many of the hose accessories.

Due to no screw mechanisms used on the o-clips, this allows them to crimp a wide array of various sized hoses, and because of their design it’s pretty clear if they have been tampered with or not crimped correctly.

Perfect for use on air, fluid, gas and steam lines, these o-clips are sturdy and as they are made from specific grade of steel, they are resistant to corrosion, meaning they will last a very long time as they will not rust.

Very simple to remove, just place pincers jaws across the ear of the clip and cut through it

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